Artistas y bandas de Rock and roll/Garage con próximos conciertos recogidos en esta web. Pincha sobre el nombre del artista o banda para acceder a su ficha y a la fecha de su próximo concierto.
- 3 from hell Rock and roll/Garage
- Acid Mothers Temple Rock and roll/Garage
- Cápsula Rock and roll/Garage
- Carolina Durante Rock and roll/Garage
- Claimed Choice Rock and roll/Garage
- Dead Boys Rock and roll/Garage
- Death Valley Girls Rock and roll/Garage
- Desenkanto Rock and roll/Garage
- Dunaviva Rock and roll/Garage
- El Señor que te molesta Rock and roll/Garage
- Giuda Rock and roll/Garage
- Guttercats Rock and roll/Garage
- Handsome Dick Manitoba Rock and roll/Garage
- Helen Helen Rock and roll/Garage
- Howlin Ramblers Rock and roll/Garage
- Ian Kay Rock and roll/Garage
- Ilegales Rock and roll/Garage
- JD McPherson Rock and roll/Garage
- La Cuchilla Rock and roll/Garage
- La Perra Blanco Rock and roll/Garage
- La Plata Rock and roll/Garage
- La Secta Rock and roll/Garage
- Las Robertas Rock and roll/Garage
- Lie Detectors Rock and roll/Garage
- Los Altragos Rock and roll/Garage
- Los Bengala Rock and roll/Garage
- Los Canotipos Rock and roll/Garage
- Los Cheddars Rock and roll/Garage
- Los Coronas Rock and roll/Garage
- Los Enemigos Rock and roll/Garage
- Los Estanques Rock and roll/Garage
- Los Misterios Rock and roll/Garage
- Los Mocetones Rock and roll/Garage
- Los Rebeldes Rock and roll/Garage
- Los Sírex Rock and roll/Garage
- Los Zigarros Rock and roll/Garage
- Mambo Jambo Rock and roll/Garage
- Mooon Rock and roll/Garage
- Mujeres Rock and roll/Garage
- Osees Rock and roll/Garage
- Pelazo Rock and roll/Garage
- Pelomono Rock and roll/Garage
- Peter Perret Rock and roll/Garage
- Porretas Rock and roll/Garage
- Rambalaya Rock and roll/Garage
- Rebeldes 79 Rock and roll/Garage
- Restless Rock and roll/Garage
- Sex Museum Rock and roll/Garage
- Sexy Zebras Rock and roll/Garage
- Sr. Salvaje Rock and roll/Garage
- Televisionaries Rock and roll/Garage
- The Baboon Show Rock and roll/Garage
- The Bank Robbers Rock and roll/Garage
- The Beach Boys Rock and roll/Garage
- The Boo Devils Rock and roll/Garage
- The Brains Rock and roll/Garage
- The Crystal Teardrop Rock and roll/Garage
- The Datsuns Rock and roll/Garage
- The Gold Diggers Rock and roll/Garage
- The Hillbilly Moon Explosion Rock and roll/Garage
- The Kaisers Rock and roll/Garage
- The Maharajas Rock and roll/Garage
- The Meows Rock and roll/Garage
- The Monsters Rock and roll/Garage
- The Movement Rock and roll/Garage
- The Priscillas Rock and roll/Garage
- The Prisoners Rock and roll/Garage
- The Satelliters Rock and roll/Garage
- The Seasongs Rock and roll/Garage
- The Tambles Rock and roll/Garage
- The Undertones Rock and roll/Garage
- The Violet Mindfield Rock and roll/Garage
- The Volcanics Rock and roll/Garage
- The Wylde Tryfles Rock and roll/Garage
- Thee Braindrops Rock and roll/Garage
- Wau y los Arrrghs Rock and roll/Garage
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